00 01/06/2009 09:04
E' in uscita, in edizione inglese, il nuovo volume di P. Kreeft e R. Tacelli dedicato all'apologetica cattolica.


Editorial Reviews

Product Description
Unbelievers, doubters and skeptics continue to attack the truths of Christianity. Handbook of Catholic Apologetics is the only book that categorizes and summarizes all the major arguments in support of the main Christian beliefs. Also included is a Protestant-friendly treatment of Catholic- Protestant issues. The Catholic answers to Protestant questions show how Catholicism is the fullness of the Christian faith. Handbook of Catholic Apologetics is full of the wisdom and wit, clarity and insight of philosophers Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli. This is an informative and valuable guidebook for anyone looking for answers to questions of faith and reason. Whether you are asking the questions yourself or want to respond to others who are, here is the resource you have been waiting for. Topics include: faith and reason, the existence of God, God's nature, creation and evolution, providence and free will, miracles, problem of evil, Bible's historical reliability, divinity of Chris, Christ's resurrection, life after death, salvation, the Eucharist, Catholic hierarchy and more.
Product Details

* Paperback: 600 pages
* Publisher: Ignatius Press (April 30, 2009)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1586172794
* ISBN-13: 978-1586172794

La speranza è che almeno questo, tra i tanti bei libri scritti da P. Kreeft, venga tradotto nella nostra lingua.